Did you get married thinking you found someone just like you, only to find out that was far from true? 

The good news is you’re not alone! No one ever marries someone exactly like themselves. And believe it or not, that’s a good thing!

Marriage is the process of two different people, from two different families,
with two different sets of gifts, talents, abilities, IQs, likes, dislikes, and opinions becoming one. You don’t become one on your honeymoon. It’s a lifetime process.

It takes saying yes every day to change, to commitment, and to working hard at your marriage in order to become one with your spouse over your life together.

Watch & be encouraged…

Becoming One – Life Long Journey [ NEW DVD ] from Joe McGee Ministries on Vimeo.

Your going to want to check out our Becoming One: The Lifelong Journey, an MP3 series available in our shop NOW! This laugh-and-learn, three-part series will help you gain the tools you need to grow together. It will help you appreciate your spouse’s differences and enable you to enjoy your journey together! 

What You’ll Learn:
– How to work together better
– How to build true intimacy
– How to pray for and with each other

The Takeaway:

No matter where you are in your marriage- it’s a process and a life-long journey that happens one day at a time.

Get Your MP3 Copy of Joe’s series Becoming One: The Lifelong Journey – CLICK HERE


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