It’s too late for that. I’m too old for that. God can’t forgive me now. I’ve missed my opportunity.

I’ve heard these statements over and over from people – and sometimes even from myself. But that’s not what God’s Word says.

Something happened the other day that helps illustrate the point I’m trying to make:

Yesterday, I had driven back from a Missouri meeting because my flights were cancelled. I had been back in town for 20 minutes and through no fault of my own found myself waiting to be rescued. (I quickly found out that it was too late – at least, too late for soup.)

Here’s my video to my family when it happened:

(They wouldn’t believe me)

Now, I had wanted some nice, healthy soup, but instead I got locked in the store. I had to call the police to get someone to let me out.

That’s a funny story, but as I was laughing with my kids later about the event, one of them said, ” I guess it was too late for you.”

The police came and I got out of the store, and I even got some soup (through a drive-thru which was much safer).

So many people think it’s too late. They look at their natural circumstances and think it’s beyond repair. But the truth is not found in your circumstances. The truth is found in God’s Word.


Have you said or thought any of these things?

If so, let’s find out what God’s Word says about it.

MYTH #1: I’m too old for God’s plan. // I’m too old to learn something new. // I’ve wasted too much time.

Here’s what God’s Word says:

Read more: Who you are in Christ. (Read knowing there is NO age limit on this.)

RELATE RESOURCE: The Incredible Power of Vision CD series

MYTH #2: It’s too late for my children. I’ve missed my chance with them.

I’ve heard this over and over again, “I wish I would have heard this 20 years ago.” God’s Word doesn’t have an expiration date and neither does His plan for your life. If you are a parent, no matter how old your child is, God can work a miracle in your situation.

What this clip on praying for your child:

(This works even if they are grown and parenting their own children.) 

Read more: A Parent’s Prayer

RELATED RESOURCE: God Knows How to Raise Your Kids…Even If You Don’t

MYTH #3: It’s too late for my marriage. We can’t get along and we’ve fallen out of love.

One of the top reasons given for divorce is incompatibility. Often that means you aren’t able to communicate. You are different on purpose and that is a strength because you are able to see the problem from a different angle. That can also bring opportunities for misunderstanding, but you have to realize you have an enemy, but it’s not your spouse. It’s Satan. He’s a divider. He’s a liar. Don’t fall for those lies.

Watch more: How to Talk to Your Spouse

RELATED RESOURCE: Marriage Building 101 DVD 

(This clip is pulled from the related DVD.)




There is another, even more common myth than the ones we’ve covered. It’s the myth that a situation is hopeless. Hopelessness leads to the thought that a marriage is too far gone, a child is too lost, and that there is no purpose to life.

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Many families deal with this thought pattern on a daily basis. Our goal is to reach them through Fighting for Families radio with Joe and restore hope in their life through the knowledge of God’s Word.

When you have hope, you look for and expect an answer to problems. When you have hope, you can change not only yourself, but your family for generations.

We are asking for your help to reach these families. Please consider giving a year-end donation to help expand our reach in 2016.

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