It’s the holidays and many times that means family comes to town, or we go to family. Work often gets more hectic. Shopping, driving, everything can seem more stressful. Basically, it’s a perfect time to work on your love walk.

Here is one hitch that might prove to be a stumbling block in that process (and how to fix it)…

snow in the city background Expressway


You’ll never be able to walk in love if you don’t get your thoughts right. Even with the best of intentions, you can’t act on something if you are thinking the exact opposite.

That is where the enemy will get you stuck. If you let him get hold of your thoughts he can steal your peace and frustrate your future. 


  • Do you find yourself having conversations with them in your mind where you tell them off? Or where you argue with them constantly and respond to hypothetical statements you think they would make?
  • Do you mentally get prepared for conflict when they walk into the room?
  • Does thinking about them disrupt your sleep because you’re angry or frustrated?
  • When you talk about them with someone is it always negative?

If you answered yes to any of these, it’s a perfect time to change your thoughts. 

Think about this, if you’re thinking about them negatively, and always preparing for a fight with them – how can you expect to act with God’s love towards them? It’s pretty impossible.


  • And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

We are told to think about things that are true and pure. If we’re thinking evil or negative thoughts we’re not doing what God’s Word tells us to.

  • casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  2 Corinthians 10:5

Our thoughts aren’t naturally going to go where we need them to unless we make then. Check to see if the thoughts you’re thinking line up with God’s Word – if not, you need to bring them back in line with obedience to God’s Word.

  • For as he thinks in his heart, so is he… Proverbs 23:7

Whatever you let yourself think about is what you’re going to act on.

  • You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You,
    Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 

The quickest way to lose your peace is to let your mind wander away from God’s Word. Don’t let the devil steal your peace. He can’t if you don’t let him! Don’t let him get you focused on this person or situation and off what God has called you to do, which is to walk in love.

Watch this clip about how speaking God’s Word is the best way to stop bad thoughts.


When those thoughts come, instead of letting them activate your negative words or play on your frustrated feelings, speak God’s Word.

It will get very repetitive at first, but thank God for that person. Ask God to bless that person today and give them a peaceful day.


1. Every time (literally every single time) you get a negative thought about that person/those people – thank God for them and pray for them.

Father, I thank you for Billy Bob / Betty Sue. I ask that you bless them today! Give them wisdom for daily living and godly friends to cross their path. I thank you for giving them a peaceful day… (Find scriptures and get specific).

2. Speak God’s Word over the situation.

You have to re-train yourself to not complain or only talk about the problem, and start talking about the solution. If you need wisdom, favor with them, or for God to show you ways to love them – find those scripture promises and write them out on 3×5 cards.

NOTE: You’ve got to have them prepared or you’ll easily slip back in the bad behavior. 

It is easier to stop a bad behavior when you replace it with a good one. Don’t just try to stop thinking bad thoughts about that person, think good ones. 


Start by praying:

Thank you, Father God, for wisdom in my (relationship/situation) today. Your Word promises that you’ll give me wisdom when I ask (James 1:5). Thank you for giving me eyes to see and ears to hear (Proverbs 20:12) in this situation. As your child, I have the fruits of the Spirit which include love. I thank you that I can walk in love with ________ because I know the source and have an endless supply. Help me to walk out your love in this relationship/situation. I thank you that I as I speak about and to them, my speech will be gracious and winsome (Colossians 4:6). I speak life today! Thank You for Your Word and for guiding me today.




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