Two of the top reasons couples give for divorce are: communication and money.

That’s not said to scare you. It’s meant to help couples avoid common pitfalls. Spouses don’t always know how to talk to each other about money because they think about it in completely different ways.

Most Often:
– Men see money as freedom.
– Women see money as security.

Just because you’ve been married for a long time doesn’t mean you don’t need to ask questions anymore. When it comes to budgeting and what your financial needs and goals are, it’s important to have regular meeting times.

Rules For Discussing Finances:
The Do-List
1. Set a time limit.
2. Whatever your goals are, talk through them and make a plan. (At least write the first step you need to take.)
3. Find three Scriptures (promises) in God’s Word to stand on in faith for your financial goals.
4. Write those scriptures out. Post them on walls. Keep them stored on your phone (whatever works best) and pray them over your plan daily.
Your prayer doesn’t have to be long or wordy. Simply go to God and remind Him of His Word. Then don’t forget to thank Him for His faithfulness!

The Don’t-List
1. Don’t forget to take your spouse’s feelings and opinions about finances into consideration.
2. Don’t talk down to your spouse when it comes to money because that will weaken your relationship.

Watch a clip on how to get a budget as a couple.


Start by getting a budget for your family. When you know where you are financially and where you want to go financially, you can get in agreement in prayer. Then you will really start seeing great things happen!


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