When it comes to understanding marriage, the roles of a husband and wife, and how this relationship is supposed to work, the best place to go for some wisdom is the Bible.

God has some specific things to say about these areas, and so it’s best to have God’s Word as our foundation in every area of our lives, especially our marriage. 

When it comes to understanding marriage, the roles of a husband and wife, and how this relationship is supposed to work, the best place to go for some wisdom is the Bible. God has some specific things to say about these areas, and so it’s best to have God’s Word as our foundation in every area of our lives, especially our marriage. 

So, how is this marriage relationship supposed to work? What are the roles of the husband and wife?  

In Ephesians 6:21-24, Paul gives instructions to couples by first of all saying they need to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. In other words, the husband isn’t supposed to be a dictator over the wife, and the wife isn’t supposed to try to rule over her husband. They’re supposed to work in harmony and unity out of reverence to Jesus. 

Then Paul goes on and talks about the role of the wife. She is to be submitted to her own husband, recognizing him as the leader in the relationship. She’s not supposed to be arrogant or try to usurp her husband’s authority as he’s trying to lead. She’s to submit to him, respect him, and support him. 

So men, it’s important that you take the responsibility of being the head of the home and leading your family. If you’re fulfilling your role, then it’ll be easier for your wife to fulfill hers and be your number one supporter! 

The Take away:

Does the woman you’re dating always want to take charge of every decision before you even have a chance to speak? Or does she defer to you, so that you can operate as the leader? Does she respect you and your opinions even though she may not agree with them? These are just a couple of traits to look for in a potential wife. 

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