Jesus spent three and half years, day in and day out, with 12 men imparting vision into them and training them because He knew they would have to continue to carry out His vision after He left.
But Jesus knew that if His disciples had a vision of the kingdom, it would keep them going for the rest of their lives.
Your kids are the same way. Once they have a vision for their lives, they will run with it. How do they get God’s plan for their lives? They have to ask God for it. James 4:2 (NIV) says, “You do not have because you do not ask God.”
Continually reaffirm to your children that God has a specific plan and purpose for them. Psalms 139:16 says that His plan for us was written in a book before we were ever born. Take time to pray for your children, but also pray with them. Ask God to show them the vision for their lives, and then watch Him begin to order their steps and reveal the plans He has for them.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way” (Psalms 37:23 KJV).

The Take Away:
Take time to pray with your children. Teach them to ask God for His vision for their lives: “God, what do You have planned for me?” Be confident that He will speak to them. He may not show them the whole plan all at once, but He will show them a step or two that will help get them started.