All men are called to be Lovers, Leader and Providers. And it’s always a journey…
Callie KnappApril 22, 2021

Marriage is tricky. You have to be willing to change and adapt if it's going…
Callie KnappApril 6, 2021

It’s easy to look at successful people and assume that they get all the breaks…
Callie KnappApril 1, 2021

In order to prosper and increase, we must do a financial checkup every so often. That means we need…
Callie KnappApril 1, 2021

To increase according to God’s principles, we must walk in two different spiritual principles. One…
Callie KnappApril 1, 2021

Everyone with a family has felt the same feeling, at some point, when it comes…
Callie KnappApril 1, 2021