“You’re a Failure”…and Other Lies You Believe Let’s talk about the most common lies you’re…
Callie KnappJanuary 6, 2021

This month we're talking about telling yourself the truth. The truth is found in God's…
Callie KnappDecember 31, 2020

From our family to yours, Happy New Year! Let’s start the year out right by…
Callie KnappDecember 31, 2020

Have you been letting what other people say about you determine who you think you…
Callie KnappDecember 31, 2020

Happy New Year! What a great Friday Funny to start things off right! The Bible…
Callie KnappDecember 30, 2020

Sunday morning is where the devil is. Listen as Joe shares the importance of staying…
Callie KnappDecember 22, 2020

A person is known by their actions and their words. It’s what the Bible refers…
Callie KnappDecember 21, 2020