
The Second Way Every Dad Should Lead Their Family




[vc_wp_text]A priest in today’s culture could be many things but in the days the Bible was written, a priest’s job was to bring the Word of God to the people. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” In this scripture, God is talking to the priests of the land. Our job is to bring the knowledge of the Word of God to our children. We are supposed to tell our children of the works of God – His miracles, His gifts, what He likes, and what He doesn’t like.

How are we going to do that? When I first started, my children didn’t want to hear about the Bible at all. It was just a boring book with no pictures! That’s when I got a hold of Bible story book. I would read to them how David defeated Goliath, how Daniel survived the lion’s den and many other stories that show how real people believed God in extraordinary circumstances. I’d tell those stories each night at bedtime but I would always leave a cliff hanger at the end making them want to hear more the next night.

As they got older, I wrote scriptures down on 3X5 cards and gave the card to them as they went to school. Eventually, they started to be interested in learning the Word of God. [We have a scripture card set that can help you get started.] 

[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]If you are a father, take what God’s Word says and make that your aim for fatherhood. God set the standard and all we need to do is follow that example.

Did you miss the first video?

Video 1 – Prophet


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fathers with these resources.
