Your spouse is God’s gift to you.
You can’t grow by yourself. That’s why you and your spouse need each other.
There’s wisdom in the counsel of another, not because you agree, but because you each see problems from different viewpoints. The Bible talks about gaining wisdom from listening to the counsel of others. Successful CEOs hire people who are smarter than they are. They understand that in the multitude of counsel there is wisdom. Wise CEO’s don’t want to be surrounded by “yes men.” They value differing opinions because it allows them to see things from different perspectives.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, you are living in a world where the devil is constantly waging war against you. God created you in His image, and the devil doesn’t like you. God knew you needed someone to stand beside you—a helpmeet, a spouse. That’s why God looked at Adam, alone in the Garden, and said, “That’s not good.” You and your spouse need each other. Your unique differences can be your greatest assets. You’re supposed to help each other, counsel each other, and stand with each other against the devil and the challenges of life.
Your spouse isn’t your enemy or your competition. Your spouse is a gift from God.
Working together you can become a powerful team and live a successful, overcoming life!
WATCH: How to Problem Solve Together.

The Take Away
Realize your differing perspectives, ideas, strengths, and gifts can be a great asset. Don’t allow those differences to separate you. Counsel together. Use your differences to your advantage so you can win in life.