Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
In other words, I may have a vision for something, but just because it hasn’t shown up in this physical realm yet doesn’t mean my faith isn’t working. My faith is always working on those things I believe for but can’t yet see. Therefore, if I’m coming up short in an area of my life, it may be because my vision is coming up short in that area. As a result, my faith has nothing to grab hold of and act on.
Today, my faith is producing everything I currently have envisioned. Until I envision more, my faith cannot produce anything more. Faith must have a vision to grab hold of and act on.
A great example is the story of the woman with the issue of blood found in Matthew 9:20-22. What did that woman see with her natural eyes? She saw that she was getting worse. But the Bible says she “had heard of Jesus”—how He healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, and miraculously fed 5,000 people. What she heard gave her a vision for her own healing! Faith rose up in her and she said, “If I can just touch Him, I’ll get healed!”
She acted in faith by crawling through the crowd and touching Him. When she did, Jesus said, “Woman, your faith has made you whole.” Her vision gave her faith something to grab hold of and act upon. And as a result, she was healed!

The Take Away
Faith must have a vision to grab hold of and act on. For your faith to produce more, you have to envision more. Enlarge your vision by reading scriptures about faith. A great chapter to read is Hebrews chapter 11, which talks about the heroes of faith. Take time to pray and get quiet before God. He’ll increase your vision, showing you things you can do, and have, and become, so that your faith can have something to grab hold of, act on, and bring to pass!