Men and women see money differently. Men tend to see money as freedom and women often see it as security. Each one has a priority list of their own, but it’s important to learn how to do things together.

Watch this clip below for practical tips on how to problem solve in the area of finances as a couple. Even if you feel like you’re total opposites, there is a way to get in agreement.


Are you looking for answers when it comes to your finances, your gifts and callings and what God’s Word says?

Check out these resources: Nobody Can Revoke God’s Blessing, How-To Find God’s Plan for Your Finances, and if you’d like more information, here’s a link to Joe’s newest teaching resource Family Finances DVD.


Don’t fall for the lie that you’re too different from each other to find a peaceful compromise with your spouse. If you follow God’s Word, it’s possible and you’ll be a stronger couple for it!


The month we’re talking about problem-solving. One of the greatest advantages you can give you child is by raising them to be a problem solver.  [READ MORE]




Family Finances Book


Problem Solvers on DVD

Understanding who you are in Christ and having the right attitude will enable you to find solutions you’ve never seen before. Hebrews 13:21 says that God equips those whom He calls. So not only are you called to be a problem solver, but you are also equipped to do it!



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