“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God” (Psalm 46:10 MSG).
Have you ever thought, I’m going to get up early, have a cup of coffee, read my Bible, pray, and just spend time with God? Then the next morning, the kids are up at the crack of dawn wanting their Cheerios. The dog is whining, needing to go out. All of a sudden, your day is in full swing! You haven’t had a chance to crack open your Bible, and the quiet time with God that you were wanting gets bumped further and further down on the priority list.
But getting that quiet time in first thing in the morning can make a big difference in how your day goes and how you respond to any unexpected events that may come up. Here’s some good advice from King David. He wrote in Psalm 5:3 (NIV), “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
David’s a pretty good example to follow! Training yourself to tune in to God first thing in the morning will be a huge benefit to you and to those around you. Start your day praying and meditating on the Word. Ask God to order your steps throughout the day.
Bring your requests to Him because He wants you to cast every care over on Him and not be anxious or worried about anything. Speak His Word over yourself and your family. And don’t forget to worship and praise God because He’s faithful, and He’s good, and He’s watching over you!

The Take Away
Develop a habit of getting with God first thing in the morning. You may have to get up 30 minutes earlier than everyone else does in order to get your quiet time in. But it’ll be well worth it! Set your alarm clock today!