Joe shares how the Apostle Paul started out as a professional hit-man. 

He literally had Christians killed. 

He was far from perfect yet God saw that He could use Paul for His glory. Joe tells how Paul was transformed from a murderer, to the greatest apostle and someone who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.

God isn’t looking for perfect people….THERE ARE NONE!

God’s Looking for people who will stand up and let God show himself mighty!

He’s not looking for big people, He’s looking for people He can be big, in and thru. He’s not looking for strong people, He wants to be strong IN somebody He’s not looking for perfect people He’s looking for people He can be perfect, in and thru.

Watch & Be Encouraged

The Take Away:

God Has a great plan for your family. That plan will cost money and that means God must have a plan for your money.

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