Following God’s vision can bring major changes in your life.
It may even require you to do a complete one-eighty.
You may have already chosen a specific path for your life, and you’re pursuing it with a passion. Then, God shows you His vision for your life and all of a sudden things change—priorities, goals, and relationships, just to name a few.
Paul is a great example of this. He had a plan for his own life, which was to wreak havoc in the church and drag Christians to prison (Acts 8:3), and he was getting pretty good at it! But God had a different plan for him, so God had to get his attention. On the way to Damascus, God caused a bright light from heaven to flash around Paul. He was knocked off his horse, went temporarily blind, and heard Jesus talking to him (Acts 9:3-6). That pretty much got Paul’s attention!
As a result, Paul did a complete one-eighty, laid his vision down and followed the vision God had for him. Instead of persecuting Christians, he made disciples for Jesus, pioneered churches, and wrote two-thirds of the New Testament! God’s vision for his life was bigger and better!

The Take Away:
God’s vision for your life may be different than your vision. Believe that He always has your best interests at heart and that His plans for you are bigger and better than your own. God looks at the big picture and sees things you don’t see. Not only does God want to bring blessing to you in your lifetime, but He also wants to do something through you that will last forever and bless others! Lay aside your plans and trust God’s plans for your life! He will work in you to accomplish infinitely more than you might ask or think (Eph. 3:20 NLT).