Having a right heart is great, but if you don’t have knowledge to go along with it, it’ll mess up your life.
Marriage was God’s idea, and like everything else He created, it hums with power. Fire will warm you or it can burn you to death. Water will quench your thirst or it can drown you. Marriage is the closest thing to Heaven on earth or the closest thing to Hell on earth. The results you get in marriage, as with anything else God has made, depend on one thing — how you handle it.
God created marriage and our ignorance of how to handle it (we’ll call that—having no head knowledge) can hurt our marriage relationship.

A Biblical Example
In 1 Chronicles 13, David’s heart was right when he went after the Ark of the Covenant, but his head was ignorant. He loved God. He wanted to bring the presence, the blessing, and the power of God back home. But he didn’t read the instructions on how to do it. He just went and got the Ark and threw it in the back of an ox cart.
He was so happy when he was bringing the Ark home, but the cart hit a bump in the road, and the gold box with the angels on top started to slide off onto the road. Then a man, with no apparent sin in his life, reached out to help, but when he touched that box, he dropped dead. God had warned, “Don’t touch the box!”
David lost a good man that day. It took him a long time to pour through the scrolls and realize his mistake. God had been very specific about how the Ark was supposed to be moved, and David had not done it God’s way.
When it comes to marriage, don’t be ignorant.
Most people get married with the right heart. They sincerely want to be a great spouse and have a great marriage, but they’re ignorant as to what God says about marriage and how it’s supposed to work. Find out what God’s instruction manual says. You can have a great marriage!
Most people get married with the right heart. They sincerely want to be a great spouse and have a great marriage, but they’re ignorant as to what God says about marriage and how it’s supposed to work. Find out what God’s instruction manual says. You can have a great marriage!
People get married and think, “I married someone who is just like me.” But you didn’t.
I saw a bumper sticker in Texas once that summed up marriage in a nutshell. It read: If two people are just alike, one of them is not needed.
You and your spouse are different.
My wife and I said ugly stuff to each other for a long time. Many marriages go through that. You wake up one day and think, “What have I done? I’ve married a crazy person?”
“They are never going to change. I’ll be stuck with them the rest of my life. I’ll never be happy!”
Thank God Denise and I were invited to a Bible study, and we began to learn what God said about marriage. We found out what our problem was.
It was ignorance! God said, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
When I say ignorant, I don’t mean that we didn’t know anything, or that we weren’t smart. I mean that we didn’t know anything about each other or about how to be married.
Your heart can be right, but if you’re without knowledge, it’ll mess your life up.
I’ve heard this line from married people hundreds of times. “Well, at least my heart was right.”
That may be true, but your head was empty!
Your right heart didn’t help you one bit.
Get to the heart of what marriage really is and develop the skills you need to make it a success.
Watch & Be Encouraged
The Take Away
Find out what God’s instruction manual says. You can have a great marriage!