As Christians, God has called us to be peacemakers, not troublemakers. We’re called to solve problems and not to cause problems or incite situations and make them worse.

As peacemakers and problem solvers, we’re called to make things better.

When there are negativity and drama going on all around us, we shouldn’t get swept up in it. We should bring peace, encouragement, and a spirit of faith. When we show up to a chaotic situation, people should be glad to see us because they know someone has shown up who can help fix it, resolve it, and make it better!

This principle extends to your marriage relationship. Find out how to be a problem-solving spouse.



Being a peacemaker takes effort. If we’re not careful, we can easily be drawn into negative, drama-filled situations. But we’re not supposed to be part of the problem. We’re the ones who should have the solutions. We are called to be problem solvers!


Did you get married thinking you found someone just like you, only to find out that was far from true?

The good news is you’re not alone! No one ever marries someone exactly like themselves. And believe it or not, that’s a good thing!

Marriage is the process of two different people, from two different families,
with two different sets of gifts, talents, abilities, IQs, likes, dislikes, and opinions becoming one. You don’t become one on your honeymoon. It’s a lifetime process.

It takes saying yes every day to change, to commitment, and to working hard at your marriage in order to become one with your spouse over your life together.



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