Affirmation is important to us all. We would all like to be constantly affirmed and told how great we are or that we are doing a good job.

The reality is that you may not always be around people who will encourage you and give you the affirmation you desire. In 1 Samuel 30:6 David found himself in this situation but it says, “David encouraged himself in the Lord.” When things don’t seem to be going your way, remind yourself of David’s example. Learn how to encourage yourself.



Learning how to encourage yourself begins with right thinking. The Bible has a lot to say about your thought life. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. It also says in 3 John 2 that as your soul prospers, so your health and finances will prosper. Everything in your life is tied to how you think. You have to constantly watch what you allow yourself to see, listen to, and meditate on because those things will determine how you think.

God tells us to diligently guard our hearts because what is in our hearts will determine the course of our lives (Prov. 4:23 NLT). We have to choose to keep our faces buried in the mirror of God’s Word so that we see ourselves the way He does. Continually meditating on the Word of God will keep us from forgetting what manner of person we truly are. We are blessed! We are redeemed! We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus!

Get the series: Why Good Thinking Matters







Start today! Don’t wait until tomorrow to begin changing your thought life. In order to truly encourage yourself, you can’t just try “positive thinking,” you need God’s way of thinking. You train yourself to think God’s thoughts by reading His Word.


Encouraging yourself starts with knowing what God says about you and changing your thinking to God’s way of thinking. “Why Good Thinking Matters,” is a laugh-and-learn classic resource that will walk you through the why, what and how of changing your thoughts and changing your life!


Why Good Thinking Matters


RELATED ARTICLE: Why Good Thinking Matters

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