All the money in the world can’t buy us peace and contentment.
It can make our life easier, but it can’t buy happiness.
We need to be content with what we have right now. We’re not content to live a life of poverty, but we’re content in our current situation because we know we don’t have to stay there. Our contentment and happiness does not come from how much money we have in the bank.
There are people who have millions and yet are unhappy, discontent, and live in fear of losing what they have. They have no peace and are always striving to satisfy something in their souls that can only be satisfied by God.
In Philippians 4:12-13 (TLB) Paul made this statement, “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.”
Paul wasn’t saying he was content to have nothing. He was saying that he knew God was not going to leave him where he was. His contentment was in knowing that He was in the will of God, doing what God wanted him to do. And He knew God would give him the strength to not only survive in the midst of challenging circumstances but also to change them.
Learn to be content where you are, and at the same time know that you don’t have to stay there!

The Take Away:
If you’re chasing money to try to gain happiness, you will be unhappy your entire life. Happiness does not come from dollars or from possessions. Happiness comes from within our soul.
Like we’ve talked about in this devotional, it’s not money we should be chasing, it’s God. Let’s make it a point today to seek God in His Word and obey it. His Word is the truth. Let’s stop falling for the lie and start telling ourselves the truth.