You have an enemy that is trying to steal your peace, and joy.
Have you ever heard the phrase, to follow after peace? We often hear sermons about it and read it in books, but what does that look like on a day-to-day basis when people are getting upsetting you or disappointing you, or hurting you? What does that look like when the circumstances around you seem beyond repair? What does following after peace look like then?
In today’s encouraging How-To clip with Joe, he shares on how peace isn’t based on our outside circumstances, and how to have the kind of peace that is real and lasting.
The Take Away
Read, study, and meditate on God’s Word today! No matter how busy you are, you’re never too busy to find even just a few moments to get your face in God’s Word. This is how you will have more peace in your life. Not because it gets you brownie points with God, but because it’s alive and sharper than a two-edged sword [Hebrews 4:12].