God knew what He was doing when He created a wife for Adam.
Eve was a gift from God for Adam, created specifically to be a help and strength to him. In Genesis 2:18, the Amplified version says God made Adam a helper who would be suitable, adaptable, and complementary to him.
The Bible talks about the wife’s role and gives specific instructions on what her part is to keep the marriage operating successfully.
The three primary roles mentioned are:
1. Helper – A helpmeet is there to help someone who needs help. That means your spouse is going to need your help, so try not to be frustrated when that happens.
2. Manager – The wife is called to manage the home and the family.
3. Lover – The highest form of love is “agape” love. This is the God-kind of love that is selfless, unconditional, and always giving. The Bible compares it to the love that Christ has for the Church. Jesus gave His Life for the Church. He loved us when we were unlovable and helped us when we didn’t deserve it. Love gives and love serves. This is the God kind of love both husbands and wives are to demonstrate toward each other.
Don’t try to change your spouse to be like you. God has called and equipped you to help your spouse.
He has given you gifts and graces that will complement your spouse so that together you both can be a powerful team and enjoy a happy, successful, fulfilled life.

The Take Away:
It’s easy to get so busy with demands of everyday life and taking care of a family that we never take time to pause, regroup, and take inventory of how our relationships are doing. Take time with your spouse to discuss any areas that may need to have some adjustments made to help your marriage and family function more smoothly and efficiently.