Nowadays, you see them everywhere—funny cat videos and pictures.

They’re popular because they make people smile.  People love to smile and laugh. But there are times when it doesn’t matter what’s going on around it, it’s your choice what your attitude and your mood are going to be.

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Have you ever been around someone that has a bad attitude? They’re grumpy, frustrated, never happy, and always complaining. That’s not a fun person to be around. They’re not enjoying life, and they make it really hard for those around them to enjoy life.

You don’t have to be that person. Attitude is a choice. There will always be negative circumstances, challenges, and people to deal with, but no matter what is going on around you, you can choose to have a good attitude.

Humor is an incredible thing. The Bible says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength” (Nehemiah 8:10), and “a merry heart does good like a medicine” (Proverbs 17:22).

Make up your mind ahead of time that you’re not going to have a bad, grumpy attitude. Make a determined decision that you are going to enjoy today. As a matter of fact, today is going to be incredible, and tomorrow is going to be even better than today! Why? Because God is really good! And great things are going to happen for me because God has good things destined for me!

Watch Friday Funnies Clips [ and be encouraged]. 

Read more about what else your attitude can affect. 


When you wake up in the morning, and before your feet hit the floor, make the decision that today is going to be a good day! This is the day the Lord has made, and I choose to rejoice and be glad in. Don’t wait to see if something will make you laugh or make you feel like rejoicing and being happy. Make the decision beforehand that you’re going to have joy and a good attitude no matter what!



Watch More Friday Funnies Clips


 Part of developing a good attitude is understanding how the people we surround ourselves can affect us in that area. Learn how to find good friends and to help your child do the same…


 Learn more about how to be and how to have a good friend.


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