God is a God of faith.  He created the worlds and everything in them by His Word, through faith.

God has faith in us as parents.  In fact, He has so much faith in us that he always sees the best in us, even when we don’t measure up. There are no perfect parents.

Never judge a book by its cover.  God can use people that you would never imagine would amount to much because He never gives up. And as a parent, you should never give up either. We are all going to mess up, but if we rely on God and bring our kids up according to God’s work, he will always shine through!

Watch & Be Encouraged

Friday Funnies | The Drive Thru! from Joe McGee Ministries on Vimeo.

The Take Away:

God has faith in us as parents.  In fact, He has so much faith in us that he always sees the best in us, even when we don’t measure up. There are no perfect parents. Rely on God and bring our kids up according to God’s work, he will always shine through!

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