Dads Unlimited Pack
As dads, how do we know what to do or if we’re doing it right? The products in this pack cover what God has called us to as men, husbands and fathers.
In Genesis 18:19, God chose an old man with no children to start a whole new nation of people. What made Abraham special was that he would pass on the faith he had in God to the next generation. That is the whole point of what we’re doing.
Topics include:
- Dads Unlimited (4-CD series) (Reg. $25)
- Man: Lover, Leader, Provider (6-CD series) (Reg. $35)
- Dads Unlimited Prayer Card + Marriage Prayer Card
Anonymous –
After hearing Mr. Mcgee for the first time at a marriage conference, I ordered the Dad’s Unlimited Pack so I could learn more about my role as a husband and father. Mr. Mcgee had a huge impact on my life and I highly recommend his products. Thank you for all of your time and dedication you have invested in. I will be ordering more products in the near future.