[/vc_wp_text][vc_wp_text]Up near my hometown of Ducktown, Tennessee, there was a plant that put out all kinds of harsh chemicals and because of this, the landscape was devastated.
The place looked like Mars, it was all red dirt. The trees and vegetation were gone in a certain area. The plant stopped, but the damage was done. It looked like a bad situation, but the locals began planting trees. My parents planted some as part of a high school project. It wasn’t fixed overnight, but those seeds took and trees grew.
Seeds don’t sprout up overnight, but they need to be planted.
Did you know parenting is all about planting seeds? The seed of God’s Word, that is. It takes a lot of work, but if you are faithful you will see the result.[/vc_wp_text]
We have a free Parenting Prayer Guide PDF we would like to give you to get started praying God’s Word over your children on a daily basis. [/vc_wp_text]