


Listen in as Joe shares about the NEW resource, SMART MOMS Survival Kit.JoeMcGee April_QuoteBox_3

SMART MOMS don’t let their feelings and the opinions of others determine their value or how successful they are as a parent. They know that God’s opinion is what matters and they look to His Word as their guide for parenting success. (That is a life-changing truth when you get that into your heart.)

It’s that life-changing truth that we want to bring to families around the country through the Fighting for Families radio show with Joe. For your gift to this outreach, we’ll send you the laugh-and-learn SMART MOMS Survival Kit Resource.

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This series will help you find answers to your toughest parenting questions and encourage you past your frustrations, as you are equipped through God’s Word, to continue growing as a mother.

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