“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV).

God believes in having a vision and a plan.

That’s how He operates. In Genesis, we see that God had a vision for a family, so He set a plan in motion. The existence of this planet and the reason you and I are living on it today are a result of God having a vision and a plan.

Many people never reach their full potential because they don’t have a vision or a plan.

They never increase or reach another level because they simply can’t see beyond where they are today.

They don’t believe life has any more to offer them. They may be afraid to dream and have a vision because no one has encouraged them to dream or because they’re afraid of failure. On the other hand, they may be full of vision, but have difficulty creating a plan or sticking with a plan that will get them to their destination.

God wants us to increase and live a successful life, not just so that we can be blessed, but so that our gifts and talents can be a blessing to others. However, to be successful in this world, we have to have a both a vision and a plan.

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The Take Away

We can function simultaneously in both God’s economy and this world’s economy by understanding that when we have faith in Him to be our source of increase, He will open up channels of opportunity that will bring increase to us from this world’s economy.

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