Spiritual Growth The Natural and Supernatural There’s a common theme that runs through the Word of God—we do natural things, and…Creative DirectorJune 28, 2018
Parenting Raising a Family takes Money When it comes to families, there’s a scripture in the Bible that says, “But if…Creative DirectorJanuary 11, 2017
Daily Devotion with JoeParenting No Two Children Are The Same It’s amazing how different children can be. After we had our first child, I…Creative DirectorMarch 21, 2016
Daily Devotion with JoeSpiritual Growth Do You Need Some Encouragement? Have you ever wished someone would tell you that you're good at your job, or that…Creative DirectorMarch 20, 2016
Marriage Building Something: Quality Time Being married is a privilege! Having someone to share life’s journey together with is a…Creative DirectorMarch 16, 2016
Daily Devotion with JoeFamily Finance How To Change Your Circumstances The world is always lying to you. You will hear how hopeless everything is.…Creative DirectorJanuary 15, 2016
Daily Devotion with JoeLeadership How to Avoid “Hamster-wheel” Living At some point, everybody has had these thoughts: What am I doing here? My life…Creative DirectorOctober 29, 2015
Daily Devotion with Joe Chasing God, Not Money We need money to operate in this world’s system. And because we need lots…Creative DirectorOctober 13, 2015
Parenting Order Precedes Increase Before God can take us somewhere, we need to know where we are. This applies…Creative DirectorOctober 11, 2015
MarriageParenting Dwelling Together in Unity THE MIRACLE OF FAMILY Take three or four children (or more) and two adults,…Creative DirectorAugust 25, 2015