Have you ever come to the end of the day and thought, Where did the time go? What did I get done today?
I think we all struggle with consistently being efficient with our time. If we don’t manage our time wisely, our list of to-dos will begin piling up, and we’ll get overwhelmed and stressed out. Then, we’ll start taking our frustration out on the dog, the cat, and those around us, all because we weren’t efficient with our time.
“Efficient” means achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. Being efficient requires work. I daily ask God to help me in this area. When I’m tempted to say, “I don’t want to clean out the garage,” or “I don’t want to balance the checkbook,” I humble myself and say, “No. I’ll run and not get weary. I’ll walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31, paraphrased).
Maybe you don’t want to start a project because you know it’s going to get really involved. When you cleaned out the garage the last time, you thought it would only take 30 minutes, but it ended up taking three days! So, you might procrastinate taking on another project like that. However, you can be efficient by taking time to plan your work, and then working your plan. You’ll be glad when it’s done and checked off of your to-do list!

The Take Away
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with tasks piling up, ask God for His help. Pray this, “Father, according to Proverbs 4:11-12, I thank You for instructing me in the way of wisdom, helping me to be efficient, and keeping me focused so I don’t get sidetracked. My efforts won’t be hampered, and I’ll get things done quickly, efficiently, and with excellence.”