There’s a saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there” (Lewis Carol).
In other words, if you don’t know your destination, you’ll just drive and drive with no purpose and no destination. You’ll waste a lot of time and fuel going nowhere.
It’s possible to live without really living. To live life to the fullest, you have to know why you’re here. You have to have a purpose. The people who have the advantage in life are the people of vision. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
If you only see yourself as another number or as just taking up space, you’ll never stretch yourself to your fullest potential. As a result, you won’t grow, you’ll stagnate, and you’ll live a hopeless, dissatisfied life. God didn’t create us to live that way.
We serve a God who is full of vision! As His kids, He wants us to have a vision too! What is a vision? A vision is a goal (a purpose) that you see in your heart by faith but that hasn’t yet become a physical reality. Each of us is uniquely created by God with a specific gift and calling on our lives.
Having a vision of God’s purpose for us will lead us and give us direction all through our lives.
DOWNLOAD: 14 Steps to Getting a Vision for Your Life

The Take Away:
God created you for a purpose! The vision He has for you is the key to you living a satisfying life full of hope and purpose. Pray this: “Father, I thank You that Ecclesiastes 3:11 (AMP) says that You have planted a divine purpose on the inside of me. You have a vision for my life that will make me a blessing to others and cause me walk in the fullness of my potential, using all the gifts and talents you’ve equipped me with. I thank you for showing me that vision so I can live out my purpose on this earth.”