Denise and I had the privilege bringing six kids into this world and raising them together, all under the same roof.
Out of all six kids, there are no two alike. They all have their own individual personalities, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. They also each have different gifts, abilities, and talents. Some are quiet. Some are loud. Some like to communicate. Some don’t. But despite all of their own individual differences, each one of them is uniquely gifted by God to do something while they’re on this planet.
As a parent, one of my biggest challenges and responsibilities is to help each of my kids be able to confidently answer these questions: Who are you? Why did God put you on this planet? What is your purpose? What are you called to do?
I want each of my kids to know they are not here by accident, and that God knew they were going to be born. I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt that He has a plan for their lives because He had all their days written in His book before they were even born (Psalm 139:16 NLT). I want them to know that they are gifted by God to do something that will not only be a blessing to them, but also bring blessing to others. I want to instill in them the truth that their lives matter, and God has really good plans for each of them.
Parents, each of your children has been given a gift, talent, and an ability from God. Part of our job is to help them find out what those abilities are, so they can walk in them, live blessed lives, and be a blessing to others.

The Take Away:
Parents, help your kids find out what their talents and abilities are. Start when they’re young. Ask God to help you and your child recognize the gifts and talents within them. As they’re growing up, have them try new things to see what they’re good at. This will not only help them develop new skills, but also discover what abilities and talents are the most natural to them.