The importance of writing down your vision cannot be overemphasized.
Once you have a vision, it’s important to write it down. Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV) says, “Write the vision…though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come….”
Lou Holtz, an accomplished college football coach of 35 years, is a great example of this. In the early days of his career, at the age of 28, Lou wasn’t seeing much success in his life. He was an out-of-work assistant football coach with not many prospects in view.
Discouraged, he sat down at the table, and his wife encouraged him to write down some goals. As a result, he wrote 107 goals that covered every area of his life—husband, father, religion, finances, professional, and personal. He laid boundaries aside and just started writing things down that seemed outlandish at the time. A few of his goals included: jumping out of a plane, being on The Tonight Show, making a hole-in-one, having dinner at the White House, and visiting with the Pope.
At last count, he had accomplished 102 of the 107 goals. He went from discouragement to accomplishment by simply writing things down.

The Take Away:
There is significance to writing down your vision no matter how silly, outlandish, insignificant, or difficult it may seem. Writing down your vision gives you something tangible to see with your natural eyes. Make time to get with your spouse and children and make a list of goals. Have each person write down individual goals and also goals you’d like to see accomplished as a family unit. Discuss steps that can be taken to accomplish your goals. Pray and ask God for wisdom. Psalm 37:5 (KJV) says, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”