Friends are important. They can be an influence for good or bad.

Everyone needs friends, but the kind of friends we have is important. What does a good friend look like? How do we find one? How do we keep one? How do we become one? How do we avoid bad relationships?

As believers, we are told to be the salt and the light to a lost and dying world. 

We are to be problem solvers for both those who love us as well as those who don’t like us. God gives us a clear and successful path to follow whether dealing with strangers, friends, family or our own spouse.

Watch & Be Encouraged

The Take Away:

If your child is wanting friends, take the first step by helping them learn to be a friend. When we can take the focus off “Why does no one like me,” and put it on, “How can I be a blessing to someone,” that will make the difference!

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