In Luke chapter 12:13-31, Jesus told the parable about the rich farmer who was building his business, prospering and had to build bigger barns to hold all of his surplus. The problem was that he kept it all for himself and never gave anything to others. He kept hoarding everything thinking, One day I’ll have enough, and then I’ll be able to kick back and just enjoy life! Jesus called him a fool because that day never came. He died without being able to enjoy it himself or know the joy of giving to others.
He selfishly tried to build something only he could enjoy, and the legacy he left was that of a fool.
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God” (Luke 12:20-21 NIV).
Building a legacy God’s way means thinking about others. It means laying down empty, selfish ambition and working to build something that will stand the test of time and positively impact generations to come. God has promised to bless us when we follow Him, but He also expects us to give back and bless others.
When you look at your life, what legacy are you leaving? What are you passing on to others? Are you working just to gather stuff for yourself, or are you giving to others from what God is blessing you with?
Make sure you don’t work your whole life in vain just trying to satisfy your own wants and desires. God wants to bless you. He wants you to prosper and increase, but He also wants you to be a giver. Live your life to be a blessing to others because at the end of the day it’s the investments you’ve made into others that will be your greatest legacy.
This month’s featured resource is the live DVD – THREE THINGS HAPPY FAMILIES KNOW
Included with the DVD is the audio message to download and listen on your phone.
Get this DVD for a donation of any amount.
Three Things Happy Families Know is a live, humorous message that will teach your family three truths that bring happiness. Truths like how to deal with sin, walk in the success God wants for you, and the importance of the words you speak.
In addition to the video message, the DVD has a downloadable MP3 copy of the message for you to download and listen to on your phone.