Chasing Lions [Free Radio Offer] – MP3


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Chasing Lions [FREE RADIO OFFER]

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The Bible is full of stories and examples of the attitude you need to be successful—successful in marriage, successful as a parent, and successful in your career.

Our free message right now is Chasing Lions: the story of Benaiah. Benaiah is a little known story that comes alive when Joe teaches how he chased and killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day.

Benaiah was an unknown son of a priest who rose to be captain of a King David’s mighty men. Are you ready to face your biggest obstacle and overcome it? Is there a relationship that just never seems to work out?

God empowered Benaiah to be successful in whatever he faced. God wants to empower you too.

Listen and laugh as Joe shares the story of Benaiah and reveals practical, biblical insight that will help you overcome your biggest fear. 


 If you would like to make sure we are able to offer free messages and encouraging teaching to families around the country, click here to donate to the Fighting for Families radio outreach.